One Man Band

Oldies Rock

Classic Country

The Control Room

This is where most of my time is spent. It's where I create the music for my One man Band show. Hundreds of hours have been spent in here.

The Live Room

Nowadays this is the room I use to put together each show. I run it all the my PA so I can make sure it sounds right.

The Vocal Booth

This room only gets used when I'm recording vocals or acoustic instruments which isn't that often anymore

NuWest Recording
This is where I spend most of my time when I'm not on stage. It use to be open to the public but that was too much of a hassle so now it's mainly where I record my backing tracks, write songs, teach guitar and edit videos. I still record for other folks sometimes but most that is for online clients who hire me to record guitar tracks for their music.

It is typically booked through a third party website but I can be booked directly from this site. Just contact me through my contact page and we'll go from there. I haven't tried it yet but I'm pretty sure I can let you attend the session via live stream video like Youtube, Zoom , Skype etc...